
I have often wondered why I felt lead to start this crazy journey as Mrs. Georgia. I had my degree, our business, my family, my racing, and our traveling…what else could I want? I didn’t feel “unfulfilled” or have anything to prove…so when asked why I sought to become Mrs. Georgia, I have never been able to give an answer. I just always knew that God had a plan for me, and this was one of his chapters. I have never really known his purpose, until now.

While being Mrs. Georgia, I became very involved with Go Red and the American Heart Association. I was invited to be a part of the Go Red Luncheon where we were pampered not only with great food and decor, but great company. I asked a dear friend of mine to come with me, who honestly, I never believed would come due to her work. To my complete surprise, she said “Yes!” We had a blast, but more importantly, Tina learned a lot about heart disease. She already has many quiet rheumatological issues going on, so she never thought she would be able to utilize anything she personally learned that day. She was simply excited that she understood heart disease in women and wanted to share with her friends.

A couple of months ago, unfortunately, Tina got to put those items she learned at the Go Red Luncheon to work…personally. Tina was having chest heaviness, arm pain, arm numbness, difficulty breathing…Tina was having a heart attack. She quickly got to the ER only to hear from the physician that he was sure it something she just ate, but he would run tests anyway…reluctantly. Tina was adamant that he do something, as she had been to the lunch and truly learned the signs of a heart attack in women…and sure enough, when the results came back, that doctor didn’t return but instead a cardiology team who was going to take care of her needs.

Tina is daily aware and thankful of the difference that Go Red made in her life…all because of that Luncheon. Had she not gone, she would have simply thought she was just suffering from stress and anxiety and could have lost her life. Tina mind you has a teenager and two very young boys…Tina isn’t old…she’s young…she’s not across the country…she’s here. Heart disease is real, present, and here. Because Tina needed me and that information at this time, it was the appointed time God chose to place me in this position. I now know why he put the Mrs. Georgia title in my path, and for that I am grateful.

New Year’s Promises

Each year, I make a few “promises” to myself, about what I will entrust myself to do in the following year.  This year is no exception, but I will share them with you.  Also, I guess, each year is slightly different due to the fact that with each year comes change, growth, maturity, and resolve.  This year, my goals and promises will be centered slightly different, and I welcome you to share your New Year’s Promises as well.

1)  It seems that social medica continues to take over our homes, workplaces, and well…our lives.  Therefore, this year, it is my promise to check facebook only on Mondays and Thursdays while keeping the messenger only on my phone so I am able to get business and client messages should they come through Facebook.  I would love to completely do away with Facebook altogether, but with marketing and business networking becoming ever present through Facebook, there is no way at the present time I can completely rid myself of the network.

2)  I have become horrible at keeping my blogs up to date.  Now, as I just breathed the words that social media was overtaking our lives, I utilize my blogspot area to document my sweet boy’s growth and stepping stones.  This year, I actually was one of those crazy moms who took a picture of my child everyday…with full intentions to put that in a blog everyday. I got about three months in and quit.  I still have the pictures, and by February 1st, I will have that blog completed.  I have to give myself a deadline, not to fail, but if I don’t give myself a date, I will continue to procrastinate. I also have a normal family/progessional blog that everyone has, that I will also have up do date by March 1.  Also, if I set dates of completion, I will feel that I can take the “me” time to get these done, as validation of sorts.

3)  This year, I am partaking on my most difficult training journey yet.  I have done triathlons, century bike rides, and marathons…but this year, I will be doing my first Half Ironman in Augusta, Georgia.  I am excited to be participating with two great friends of mine who will help to keep me on the ball and accountable during my year of training.  I am nervous, scared (of the swim), and optimistic that I can definitely do this!  To ensure that I am able to complete my goal and wear that M-dot guy with pride, I promise myself to allow at least 4 but ideally 6 days a week to exercise.  Again, if I set forth this goal, it will allow me this “me” time without feeling selfish for doing so.  I’m really not good at checking my mommy guilt at the door, even though that’s the first advice I give my clients.  I think to myself my son is only tiny once, but you know…the hour that I take out of our time together should I have to train without him is well spent in the fact that the amount of stress relief and disease prevention occuring during that hour is limitlessly valuable.

4)  This year, I am also going to be partaking in further educational pursuits, so I promise myself to take an hour before bed to concentrate on becoming a better therapist, reading, and relaxing as I end my day, all while becoming even better to serve those who depend on me to get them better and across their race finish lines or just simply to walk again without pain.

5)  I have been horrible about being the meditator/reader of the Scriptures as I should this year.  I haven’t been aloof to it by any means, but I have not taken time out of every single day to ensure that I am rooted and grounded with a sound mind to start each day.  I promise to try and awake each morning with a yearning for Scriptural renewal each day and take 20 minutes of me time to read, reflect, and love on God a little more each day.

Now, those are the only Promises I’m going to make for this new year, but I have so many other ideas that I would like to work through…like finishing my book on being a stepmother, painting, photography, and so many other things.  But for now, I will just keep those on my priority list and hope they come to fruition…but I don’t want to be one of the 90% who don’t keep their New Year’s Resolutions so I will be happy with my five and go from there.


Happy New Year everyone!!!!  May you be blessed and fulfilled in 2013!



New Badge for GirlScouts!


Mrs. Georgia 2012 and Teen Georgia 2011

Last month, I was so thrilled and blessed to see a dream of mine and Erica Ross’s (head of Go Red here in Atlanta) come to fruition.  Girl Scouts of Atlanta held a day for older girls to earn their Women’s Health badge, and for the first time, it included the American Heart Association and Go Red for Women!  What was so special about this day? Isn’t it just another Girl Scout badge?  Absolutely not, and here’s why!  While the girls were becoming educated about Women’s Health including disease and screening, with heart disease at the forefront of their education, their mothers were also being screened for heart disease risk factors including BP, weight, BMI, and waist circumfrence by my team of great Athletic Trainers and Doctors of Physical Therapy who are residents in our Orthopedic Residency.  It was an honor for me to be able to recruit my team to make such an impact in the lives of these women.  The mothers also received an educational session from Stacy Jaskwhich, a local Nurse Practitioner and Clinical Coordinator at St. Joseph’s Heart Center for Women and yours truly, Mrs. Georgia International.  I never realized it before, but Stacy was very quick to point out that my part of the speech was the motivational portion.  That meant a lot to me…that someone saw my information and talk as not only educational but motivational.

This day truly will go down in my book as something to remember…forever, as will many of the events in the last year.  Thank you to Girl Scouts of Atlanta and Go Red for trusting me, and believing in me, seeing my mission through to help two great groups come together and realize what great resources they both are for empowering women, young and old.



I usually do not write solely about my faith…but after a week of tough realization of the cruelty and deriving ways of our society, I decided there could be many others experiencing the same thing I have lately…so therefore, know this post is full of Christian hope and faith..and love.  Hope you enjoy…

This morning, I write with complete love and gratefulness to our Father for his provision, faithfulness, and his redemption.  Is there guilt or hurt that you have experienced in your past?  Did you complete restitution with God and others and believe this was gone, forgiven and done only to experience recurrent guilt and hurt over the matter?

We all have experienced the above, especially if we are Christians.  Sounds funny, right? If you are a Christian, you should be perfect, not have any questionnable action in your past, and live only the holiest of holy ways….correct?  Let’s take a look in the Bible before you start to get down on yourself, because you might be wearing that scarlet A on your chest, be recovering from addiction or struggle with an abortion you had years ago.  My favorite story of redemption is that of King David.  He saw a woman who was married bathing, retrieved her for himself, conceived a son with her, killed her husband so he could be with her….does that sound like a King who was the center of God’s heart?  Yes, this is the same young man who God called a man after his OWN heart.  He fell to sin, as we all have and all will, except for the man who died for our sins.

With repentance and restitution for his sin, David was restored to his rightful place in the lineage of Jesus Christ, and his wife gave birth to Solomon who built the temple in Jerusalem and was the wisest of all ancient Kings.  So, does it sound like God did away with this man whom he once loved because of the worst possible sins we as humans can imagine-adultery and murder?  Absolutely not, as even after that, he was blessed with a most powerful son King, and was eternally a part of the lineage of Christ.

So, before you feel hopeless and useless as others may continue to remind you of your past, your present, and your mess-ups…I want you to contemplate the life of David.  Was David any more special than you?  Did he have a favorable forgiveness line to the cross that you do not have? Absolutely not…and anyone who reminds you otherwise is not of God.  Our job as Christians on this earth is to spread the love and gospel of Christ, and we simply cannot do that if we are only speaking negative and reminding others of their shortcomings.  Please hold your head up and know that God the Father loves you….and if you are a naysayer, I encourage you to do the same.

I have had many shortcomings in my life…and committed sin that hurt others.  However, the great thing about this, is I’m not beyond the love or grace of our Lord and neither are you.  As my father used to quote scripture so many times from the pulpit, “Should we continue to sin so that grace may abound? God forbid.”  However, I’m glad to know that when we do fall short, there is always a saving hand right there to redeem us should we just ask.  Have courage and peace this morning as you go about your daily walk…know that your path is already written and the Father is making intercession for you throughout your hectic week.

Two more yummy vegan recipes!

I am not the biggest fan of cold weather, and my husband is definitely not…but we do enjoy having great warm food as it becomes a little chillier on the other side of the window pane.  I don’t have pictures of these, but I still wanted to share these because they have both been husband approved and are super yummy. Important to note I used beans as the base protein for both of these recipes without starters or any false protein.  

Vegan Chili

Cook two cans of pinto beans and one can of kidney bean (we used reduced sodium everything).  Don’t drain them, as you need the slight liquid to absorb the chili seasoning.  At the same time, sautee bell pepper and onion with some garlic powder.  Once that mixture is browned and the beans are boiling, go ahead and pour the pack of chili seasoning into the beans.  Then, place the pepper and onion mixture into the pot as well.  Pour in a can of drained corn.  I add a little vegetable stock, and true chili powder until you get the consistency you like.  Warm together for about 8 more minutes on medium (or boil down if you added too much stock), and you’re done!


Vegan Taco salad

Cook a can of white kidney beans and a can of pinto beans together without draining.  Boil for approximately 8 minutes.  Once the liquid is settling out, pour in your taco seasoning mix and boil for a couple of more minutes until minimal to no liquid remains.  Prepare brown rice as package instructs. Chop up lettuce, bell pepper, onion and tomatoes.  Prepare corn whether fresh or a can, drain and mix into your bean mixture. Place your layers of rice, bean mixture, lettuce, pepper, onion and tomato, and top with veggie cheese and salsa! 


Enjoy these great guilt-free meals!

Let’s Get Real…

I am honored to be on the covers of this issue of Little Black Dress/Little Red Wagon.  When Elizabeth, the editor, asked me to speak to the topic of self esteem as she learned I had struggled with the lack thereof for years, the following is what I found myself offering as my outpouring of real heartfelt history of my self esteem issue….hopefully it resonates with some of you.  Enjoy reading!

From about 4 years old I can remember struggling with self esteem.  I had a cousin who was beautiful, tan, and very skinny..I was exactly the opposite.  I was chunky, pale, and freckled.  I was always known as the smart, talented one until I was in college….never the pretty, attractive one.  My popularity stemmed from success in my talents or academia.

I started my first diet in sixth grade….never purged or starved myself but did beige obsessed with calorie counting and exercise occasionally.  When I graduated high school, I was a size 14 and weighed over 155 pounds.

In a society where your GPA mattered minimally for women and your weight and pant size were required to be as small as possible to be overall successful in the view of the media and society I struggled.  I never felt feminine enough….never felt like my clothes and sense of style were good enough, that my weight was low enough and God forbid….that my hair and makeup were perfect enough….I had NO idea what I was doing in those realms of fashion.  Now part of this is made worse I believe when you grow up in a small town where many people can be judgmental even more so than in a larger one.  If your parents aren’t of the right occupation or don’t live in the most popular subdivision, you van wear all the coach and Tory Burch you want while carrying your Louis Vuitton bag and still not be deemed good enough.

When I began marathon and triathlon, many of those fears fled….but not all.  The empowerment of riding a bike 100 miles or running 26.2 is amazing and nothing can take that accomplishment away…it’s not based on how much makeup you have on or the style of your hair and clothes…it’s based on pure grit…and I have always excelled in those situations where grit is the determining factor.

As I became a mother, even more of my self esteem issues resolved….as I had another being to focus on instead of my own selfish woes…now, I still struggle daily not to allow my self esteem or lack thereof I should say to take charge of my day, but not near as bad as it has been in my past. Part of that is maturity, and much of it is accredited to my faith and the love of my husband.

For the reason that so many young girls struggle with self esteem, I have never been a big proponent of young girls in pageants…and I never will.  Until you have struggled with self esteem and been the least pretty girl,you can’t understand that.  However, in our world, every single day is a competition where girls feel judged based on outward appearance….why create a formal stage on which to promote that?  Now as a grown woman (wow….it still doesn’t feel right saying that) participating in Mrs. International, donning my fitness wear before a crowd with confidence and placing in the top 10 was a huge validation for me….but it’s sad that it takes things like that to validate us and make us feel beautiful.  I wish society could get to a point that as women, we wake up, take care of our families, take pride in our homes and successfully do our jobs….and that alone is beautiful enough.  I believe we will get there but it will takes speaking out on our own behalf.  When women themselves can get to a point where they are not looking at other women, seeing how they size up and giving themselves a grade in comparison, we will be on our way….but we aren’t there yet!


A couple of weeks ago, I was asked to judge the Miss North Georgia State Fair pageant, and today the Miss Great Locomotive Chase Concert.  I will be honest….judging pageants and the whole pageantry idea in general has never appealed to me.  My days in the MAO organization helped me to warm to the idea of pageants…that there is more than beauty accepted in the world of pageantry…that your talents, abilities, and intelligence really do matter.  That’s not always the case or the perception however when it comes to pageants.  Therefore, I have struggled when asked to judge pageants.  I simply always want to make sure that we are imparting the right messages to our girls.  Let me make this clear, however; lessons you can learn in pageantry can ultimately lead you to your destinations you can only dream of…and that has been clinically proven and studied to no end.

I have to admit….getting into the married circuit was only to be temporary this year, for one night.  However, God had a different plan, and thankfully I followed.  For me, I did get into it this year to prove a point to myself.  I have always struggled with self-esteem…feeling simply not pretty enough, thin enough or downright good enough.   When looking in a mirror, I could only see my large thighs, undeveloped abs, and freckles….I would check the mirror every time I walked by…not really sure why, I guess hoping I had changed since the last time I looked.  I just know the issues that can come along with pageantry, and I wanted to make sure as a judge, I wasn’t validating those impairments to girls.

Then…today, as I wa gathered into the judges room prior to judging, I hear a lady say “That’s Mrs. Georgia?” whisper to her friend, then laugh and say, “Not what I would expect.”  Years ago, that would have broken my spirit, killed me, left me in tears and defeated.  Today, I was simply able to gracefully gut my way through it in silence.  So many things did go through my mind though, and the one that kept ringing was a quote from one of the great state directors this last year in the Mrs. International Pageant, Eddie Peterson….”You don’t know my life!”  I wanted to say to her that she had no idea who I was….what did she expect….too much make-up, a ball gown, and overdone hair?  Who is she to understand me?  Does she know that I have a doctorate, take care of my step-children like they are my own, try and help my stepson who struggles greatly with ADHD, help run a business, support a husband who is a CEO and living with heart disease, act as a philanthropist at every turn I possibly can, and simply want to be better today than I was yesterday?  Instead of saying any of that and trying to validate myself, I chose to act upon the one that that doesn’t matter if she knows or not, but does matter if I display, and that fact is I am first and most importantly a Christian…and I must act with the grace my Father would require.

Today, I realized we are never really not being judged.  So…if I can ultimately in any way positively affect these girls that I am judging, it is completely worth it….because the negative influence of judging is out there…and will impact us in one way or another.

And….it’s the big 30!

September 21…I turned 30 years old.  Funny, for those who know me, they swear I’m already 37….and for those who have known me my entire life, they feel like I was born 37!  I’ve always been described as “an old soul”, and that’s the most accurate description I can give of myself.  The decade of my 20’s is one that I will never forget, one in which many of my dreams came to fruition…I graduated with a bachelor’s, a doctorate, met and married my husband, inherited two wonderful children, had my own baby and capturer of my heart, and took control of my health, body and fitness, and competed as Mrs. Georgia International to take home a spot in the top 10 on the national stage.  Wow….that’s a ton!

All I can do is reflect with complete humility and thankfulness.  I have had a remarkable 30 years.  I was blessed with the most amazing parents in the world…a childhood filled with memories of singing with my mother and brother, sitting under the voice of my father at church, and going to 3-6 church services a week, mowing the church lawn, folding bulletins with my mother….sounds crazy to many, I’m sure.  However, to me, I know I was the luckiest girl in the world.  I think it was that childhood that prepared me in every single way for my life now…I joke and say I was practicing car transfers with elderly women from the time I was 5 years old, I have been able to converse with an 8 year old as easily as a 90 year old my entire life, and I know that you are always on stage…no matter what.

I haven’t been perfect my past thirty years….in no way.  I do believe I have grabbed life and squeezed it for all it’s worth.  However, the one thing I haven’t done enough of is simply sit back and savor all of my blessings.  That is simply my goal for my next 30 years.

Cupcakes and Crowns

On September 14, I had the great honor of being included in a great event called Cupcakes and Crowns held at the Marietta Art and Design Show House.  It was a beautifully planned event for girls ages 3-9.  The girls had wonderful cupcakes from Miss Mamie’s Cupcakes (Cupcake Wars Winner), received a beautiful crown made by designer Deb Rosenbury, learned princess manners from Catherine Sanders of The Social Class, and a little princess pep talk from yours truly, Mrs. Georgia International 2012.  I was thrilled to hopefully have made a difference in these little girls’ lives and to be among the great women whose company I enjoyed, especially Cassandra Buckalew, of Marietta Trolley Tours!

Stir Fry with Pineapple and Udon!

Stir fry…you really can’t go wrong with this dish!  I love this particular one because again, there is no oil, no meat, no fat…just a great whole foods attempt!

Cook a pack of Udon noodles in water as you normally would.  Cook up some tofu in a pan with a little bit of Bragg’s Aminos and garlic powder.  Also, in another pan, start to sautee snow peas and mushrooms in Tamaria (no-Tahini soy sauce) and then add on the tofu.  Once you add the tofu, add the pineapple, continue with the garlic powder, Braggs, and Tamari as it needs.  Once that is all cooked and looking great, add in the noodles, a little more Tamari, and you are done!!!

This is such a great recipe….one I really adapted to us with the Udon, pineapple, tofu, and well…the Tamari and Braggs as well!